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Posts posted by Batswee

  1. Hello everyone, this is a really important bug that I have found within Aurora that is detrimental to the games that you put on Aurora to play on your Xbox 360. I have had an RGH modded Xbox 360 since 2021. I have hundreds of games on my console. One of the first few that I had was “Guitar Hero World Tour” and “Call of Duty Black Ops 2”, and with both of these games, I wanted to download the DLCs, which I did. Note, the DLCs, did work (for awhile), and both games were completely fine. One day, out of no where, both of these games completely bugged out. And no, I do not mean your regular old bugging out. Here’s where it gets interesting. Everytime I click into the game, my PROFILE completely disappears. Achievements, gamer picture, gamer score, everything. This complete glitch has and will not go away. I have gone so far to clear out and delete both games and their DLCs (as well as saved games from storage units), I deleted everything, and downloaded the games back on and the same problem is occurring. If someone has a magical way to fix this, I already know it has to be internally. Whatever this is, I have tried everything on the outside to fix it and it hasn’t worked. If anyone else has any info on this problem and could help me out, it would be much appreciated.

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