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Posts posted by JQE

  1. logo.png


    Extra-Life.org is a charitable organization giving gamers the chance to use their passion and skill to give back to the less fortunate children in their own community. I believe in this cause and I think its something I could really get behind. As a father and a gamer this seems like the perfect way for me to give back to my community.
    On Saturday October 25th I will be doing 10 hours of straight gaming (6AM - 4PM CT) and I will do another 14 hour session in about week or two. 

    I will be live streaming the entire 10 hours from my PS4. You can check me out by clicking the following link. http://www.twitch.tv/workerbe
    Please show your support for the children and donate what you can.

    Follow the above link to donate until November 30th. It's for an amazing cause and it should be a lot of fun! Stop by my twitch feed and drop me a positive comment.

    I will be posting a public list of all donations on RMS and would like to say THANK YOU in advance to everyone for their support.

    Lets make a difference!


  2. In the console try to re-grab your API Key, if that doesn't work post steps to what you are doing. Saying you can't connect from console doesn't mean anything to me. Are you in HUD and can't see games? no System Link tab? Can't link console? Fails auth in test?


    give me exact steps and information and i will do my best to help you. The DNS and site change needed to happen for a lot of reasons. Sorry it cause some problems, but TBH we are saying larger user connections than before as the site is now able to handle them. The old sites really drained server resources. A few growing pains is a small price for what will end up being a better service.

  3. 32zt45u.png

    Hello. JQE360.com got a little big for my free google mail account. So my email got shutdown for sending too many emails.
    I have fixed this now, but for the last few weeks there have been some emails not getting sent. SO what i have done is removed all accounts that were not activated. If you tried to register and didn't get an email, try again now and you should be able to register properly.

    Updated link: http://xboxunity.net

  4. Posted Image



    Hello and welcome to a new release of F3.

    It came to our attention some of F3 wasn't working quite right so we figured why not fix them up, and throw a few new features at you.


    -= Plugin =-

    We added the ability to "Pause" a game (freeze all active threads) From webUI (this is experimental).

    We also added profile information and acheivements to webUI.

    HUD got a nice new Info Bar on the bottom with game information. 


    -= F3 =-

    So the TU System. You can now download TUs for multiple games simultaneously and you can pick and choose which TUs to download from each game. Each download gets its own progress bar so its easy to track.


    Weather. Updated to use the new API and new APi Keys. Also updated so it only gets the information 1 / hour / reboot. So it won't spam your API key.

    -= Update Info =-

    Doing a phased implementation to control server traffic.

    Hope you enjoy.




    Now that this is complete it is time we announce the disbanding of TeamFSD. We as a team have lost a lot of members and come to the point where its time to move on and grow. We will still be involved in the scene and around for discussions and such, but TeamFSD will be no more.

    **** Freestlye 3 Beta Rev 775 - Released August 13th, 2013 ****
    **** Thanks go out to our dedicated beta testers ****
    **** and the community! ****

    -= F3 =-
    [ Added ] Brand New TU Download System
    [ Fixed ] Weather updated to use new API
    [ Fixed ] Weather caches info for 1 hour on each boot.

    -= Plugin=-
    [ Added ] webUI - signed in profiles
    [ Added ] webUI - achievements
    [ Added ] webUI - delete screencaptures
    [ Added ] webUI - notes indicator on screencapture list
    [ Fixed ] webUI - delete note
    [ Added ] webUI - pause title (suspend threads) [expirimental]
    [ Added ] webUI - hotkey 'P' for pause title [threads]
    [ Added ] webUI - hotkey 'R' for resume title [threads]
    [ Added ] webUI - 'back to launcher' button

    **** Enjoy! ****


    **** Freestlye 3 Beta Rev 735 - Released March 5th, 2013 ****
    **** Thanks go out to our dedicated beta testers and the community!
    **** Quick Change Info: Streamlined Plugin for less overhead
    **** Quick Change Info: Notes in WebUI
    **** Quick Change Info: In game Screenshots
    **** Quick Change Info: Better user Management
    **** Quick Change Info: Now scan and launch NxE Containers
    **** Quick Change Info: Can create rooms in HUD
    **** Enjoy!

    ******** F3.0.735 *********
    [Fixed] Fixed TU Pause on startup.
    [Added] live.json and assets to show in WebUI
    [Added] paramters on WebUI for local testing
    [Added] support for custom genres on WebUI
    [Fixed] invalid access crash in http server for incorrect arguments
    [ Fixed ] TU Issue with it deleteing tus when it shouldn't
    [ Updated ] New and improved link web. To many updates to list.
    [Fixed] DashLaunchInfo boolean was switched in plugin
    [Changed] DashLaunchInfo settings enumerator in plugin
    [Added] DashLaunchInfo in WebUI [ticket:7]
    [Fixed] Invaliud urls in notes will no longer link, check with regex
    [Fixed] Load screencaptures properly [ticket:91 & ticket:76]
    [Fixed] Show error when screencapture not loaded [ticket:80]
    [Added] Note is added without clicking a position first [ticket:72 & ticket:78]
    [ Fixed ] Not downloading XML Files.
    [ Added ] A sound when launching From Details Screen.
    [Fixed] Incorrect date format in notes [ticket:77]
    [Fixed] Disable screenshot hotkey on fancybox popup [ticket:71]
    [Added] Placeholder text on notes fields [not in IE] [ticket:74]
    [Added] Set notes author to first signed in gamertag [ticket...
    [ Added ] Enable Kinect Option.
    [ Update ] We don't scan any DLC except for Indie Games. Regardless of path.
    [ Fixed ] Typo in Loading Engine
    [ Fixed ] Unable to go up to APIKey from Search button for weather.
    [ Fixed ] Title Text changes when you change favorites
    [Added] titleID Override to WebUI ScreenCapture API [Fixed] START + BACK screenshot triggers opening keyboard twice
    [Added] Notes beta 1 [ticket:6 & ticket:4]
    [Added] JQE username and API key to system tab
    [Changed] Switched all paths from forward to backward slash [ticket:13]
    [Added] Total upload / download LiNK [ticket:43]
    [Fixed] Incorrect tab highlig...
    [ Fixed ] Doesn't copy empty folders
    [ Fixed ] no Title in non coverflow views
    [ Fixed] Focus bug in Plugin settings
    [ Update ] Disable Activator and Trigger Buttons when screenshot commands are disabled
    [ Changed ] Default buttons for Screenshot
    [Fixed] Screenshot Set Buttons
    [ Added ] User must add their own APIKey
    [ Added ] Settings added for Screenshot trigger
    [Added] upstream/downstream totals to getSystemLinkBandwidth response
    [updated] /getScreenCaptures to return an json array [ ... ]
    [ Fixed ] OnBoardMU for corona and trinity not getting serial number
    [Removed] Kai menu and plugins tab from menuconfig xui
    [Added] Gamepad Exports - GamepadEnableTriggers & GamepadSetTriggers
    [Fixed] PlayerInfo button flags [Fixed] Back + Start screenshot combo
    [Fixed] No Saved Games Display by adding a text element
    [Fixed] No Games Found Text in game list when moving last game out of scene
    [Fixed] FileBrowser Selection Bug
    [Fixed] File Browser File Selection Bug
    [Revered] Game Drive name back to 'Game'
    [updated] ConnectX KeyboardUI to display Remote PC Name to be consistent with labeling
    [Renamed] "Game" to "Current Game" to reduce confusion in HUD file browser
    [Fixed] Verify LINK Scene Cancel button to show back when complete
    [Added] New Credits
    [Fixed] Issue Graphics Glitch with Skin in Plugin Settings
    [updated] postLiveData and postUserData code to use titleid function
    [Added] getGameFile http command to retrieve any file in the game: directory
    [Added] live.json overrides for webui display. Place live.json in the root game dir and it will be loaded over the file from microsoft
    [Fixed] Http PW Hashing on fresh install
    [ Fixed ] Humidity spelling in weather Scene
    [ Fixed ] Entering incorrect information in APIKey now clears it and reports correctly.
    [ Added ] Scanning NxE Games into gamelist.
    [Added] New Mount Path "Game:"
    [Added] Build Dependent Log in HTTP
    [updated] Ingame screenshot to be Hold Start + Press Back
    [Fixed] Chrome not scrolling back to first tab on refresh [ticket:19]
    [Added] Ingame Screenshots using Hold Back + Start Press
    [Cleaned] Up some code
    [Added] Useranme and ApiKey to /getSystemLinkInfo
    [Added] Missing JSON Files
    [Fixed] WebUI / to use the correct/consistent
    [Added] getDashLaunchInfo webUI command
    [Removed] NOTES version from getPluginInfo
    [Fixed] getScreenCaptureCount spelling
    [Added] getDashLaunchInfo stub
    [Fixed] Screencapture list showing filesize in bytes, changed to readable
    [Added] Screencapture list including viewer [[ticket:5 Ticket 5]]
    [Fixed] WebUI bytestoreadable when bytes = 0 [Fixed] WebUI bytestoreadable use proper units
    [Added] WebUI Track max bandwitdh with system link bandwidth graph
    [Changed] WebUI System page layout [sections]
    [Added] - Many SystemLink Optimizations in the LINK Core- basic Syslink needs to be tested for problems
    [Added] - System Link Bandwidth monitoring code for WebUI Output [ mattie provided updated html code ]
    [updated] - PlayerInfo Scene by s...
    [Added] System LiNK bandwidth graph
    [Added] Support for Celcius / Fahrenheit switching
    [Added] nested template parsing
    [Added] NOREPORT Flags for USERFLAGS
    [Fixed] Disabling Reports
    [Added] Automatic HUD Dismissal when game launched through HTTP API
    [Fixed] System Link not enabling during f3 boot or during plugin reload
    [Added] /getScreenCaptureCount
    [Added] WebAPI version to /getPluginInfo
    [Adjusted] Location of Buttons in HomeTab Scene
    [Added] "celsius" var to /getTemperat...
    [Added] Temp Settings to FreestyleSync
    [Fixed] FreestylePlugin Settings Imports
    [Added] Hashed HTTP and FTP Passwords [no more plain english passwords]
    [Fixed] - URLEncode issue that could cause some usernames to fail url validity [MaesterRo]
    [Added] - New Method of Handling Xbox1 Games- single lobby filtered by xbox1 titleid [MaesterRo]
    [Added] - On/Off flags for System Link Enable to hav...
    [Fixed] Many Little Graphical Bugs
    [Fixed] Dashlaunch Not Found Bug
    [Added] getLaunchGame command for HTTP
    [Added] Dynamic Game Detection
    [Fixed] SetLeader typo
    [Fixed] Falsely launchable containers
    [Added] RSSFeed Scroller Code
    [updated] About Section
    [Added] Icon Toolbar
    [Added] FileSystemWatcher to monitor for changes to open file and gives the option to reload
    [updated] Request Lobby To actually work and provide feed back
    [Added] FileBrowser code
    [Added] Passcode Entry
    [Added] Proper Version file for plugin tester
    [Added] Passcode Template XUI
    [Added] Null object check to dumping code
    [Added] Password Module [Test with [Y] on Lobby Tab]

    ******** F3.0.483 *********
    [Fixed] TitleId and TUVER overrides
    [Added] WebUI created hotkey 's' to take a screencapture from anywhere in the page
    [Added] WebUI CPU key and DVD key 'not available' when empty
    [Added] WebUI loader for screencapture
    [Removed] Leader Sorting from Userlist
    [Enabled] HttpDaemon security
    [Fixed] CPU and DVD Key
    [Removed] Kai from HTTP
    [Added] Custom XGUntileSurface Function
    [Moved] JSON templates to external files
    [Fixed] DL Settings can be change in the hud
    [Fixed] User list and lobby list pending scn to only use loading spinner
    [Added] Internal MU mount point for slims to plugin ui
    [Added] Dashlaunch options to Hud Setting Scn
    [Added] Dashlaunch resolve function for getting and setting values
    [Added] TU to game Info
    [Added] Devlink and pingpatch check
    [Added] Dynamic Legend Updating System for Syslink HudScene
    [Revamed] HttpDownloadTask to have better error handling
    [Changed] Plugin to work on both devkit and retail consoles dynamically
    [Added] Multithreaded Support in SystemLink HUD
    [Added] Base AsyncTaskManager Skeleton
    [Added] Fade-In animation for Hud Temps
    [Added] Temperatures to hud

    ******** F3.0.402 *********
    Increased Stability in Scanning
    Increased Stability in gamelist
    Added integration with LiNK
    removed Xlink Kai
    Plugin Web for in game information while playing
    LiNK For native systemlink across the web

    ******** F3.0.58 **********
    Added coverflow
    Added Kinect integration
    New HTTP Server
    built on FSD Core
    Indie title Support. < SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW >
    fixed weather API to use world weather

    **NOTE** Indie titles scan into Homebrew section
    **NOTE** new http credentials default to f3http
    **NOTE** if installed over FSD will delete your DB
    **NOTE** troubles and bugs should be reported to our forums www.realmodscene.com

    ********** LiNK Instructions ************
    First this is a BETA, and is very BETA
    We needed a larger test platform.
    Thare are Known issues

    Configuration of the LiNK Settings happens in the settings sceens in F3.

    Link requiers port forwarding, you an use UPNP or do it yourself.

    Each xbox will require a uniqe Login to JQE360 if they
    want to be online at the same time.

    Checkout the site http://link.jqe360.com

    ********** INDIE INSTRUCTIONS ***********
    Indie titles REQUIRE dashlaunch with fakelive to be installed
    Indie titles MUST be in a Microsoft Approved content location
    AKA hdd1:content0000000000000000584E07D200000002
    Approved drives for content are HDD1: MU: USBMU: INTMU:
    You MUST HAVE Kinect data installed
    you MUST have the Indie Launcher TitleUpdate installed
    The indie titles will scan into Homebrew.

  5. That would not cause this issue.


    If you created a new account and its happening again, but not to anyone else then you are doing something strange. I have no clue what it might be, but you are reverting to the main lobby on Ping. So somehow you are connecting from more than 1 location. There is no other reason you would be set back like that (other than being kicked but i confirmed you are not.)

  6. OK so far the ID looks fine.


    I am going to guess you have the Same User on 2 xboxs? Or something similiar?

    somehow you are being reset on the ping. This should only happen if A you are being kicked or B you are connected on 2 devices with the same Username.

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