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Brutal Doom V20B

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EDIT: This thread is a work in progress. Don't ask me for the map he used, it won't be released until the end of the month; however, there's TONS of wad map packs out there and ALL of them will render.

All I can say is wow...

All the code they've put into this and look how far its come from the original doom engine.

I must say I'm really really impressed with this.



Published on Oct 16, 2015

This video demonstrates a an updated walkthrough of maps 01 and 14 of the Starter Pack. While playing this, I decided to not show any secret or optional areas to not spoil them. Here you can see some new v20b features such as updated sprites for the rifle and kicks, that now matches doomguy's uniform collor. Along the maps, you will also find many interactive stuff, such as fire stinguishers that can be shoot to explode, breakable mirrors, and much more.

The Starter Pack be a full megawad with 32 new levels. It will be released alongisde v20b, probably around the end of this month, or the beggining of November.



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what are you playing this on and do you have a download link.

It's on PC or Mac, Linux, or Windows (If you're savvy with parallels for OSX)


Get both of those links, black metal is you new music.


go get GZDoom, it's open-source.


Here's some extra's


and doomworld has always been probably the best place for custom wadFiles



WAD's are for you to find.

If you know where to find abandonware, I'd snag Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, Hexan, and heretic. All of the wads official and grassroots developed are compatible and will render.

Edit the *.ini file, put in the pathnames for the *.wad files  and I think a few *.pk3 files and you're good to go!


I think I'll just archive it all and make a link (Not the abandonware though, seriously google is your friend for that.) It's so easy to put together, almost like playing with digital legos man.


When you get all the wad's and pk3 files in the same folder as the gzdoom folder, run gzdoom, then exit. It will create a file with your username in it (zdoom-Heinrich.ini)  was what was created for me. edit that *.ini file and put in your wadfile pathnames. It's kinda like configuring DOSbox but not as technical.

Your GZdoom folder should look like this



in the *.ini file put this in the global wad section

# WAD files to always load. These are loaded after the IWAD but before

# any files added with -file. Place each file on its own line, preceded

# by Path=







And there you go ^_^ HAPPY HUNTING! and Melee attacks are always fun!!


When you do load it, set your control's and video and sound settings, then go to gameplay section and enable freelook, jump, and crouch.

Enable all brutal doom options that you want, then go to mouse options and enable Always Mouselook to on.

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