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New Xbox 360 E - Problem (Freestyle Temp ERROR /COOLER ACELERED) / Problema Novo Xbox 360 E (RGH)

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I found some bugs related to the new xbox 360 E (known as :huh: super slim).

post-8645-0-63873100-1383064635_thumb.jpg post-8645-0-87238500-1383064636_thumb.jpg

After he was done writing nand Glitcher, when the unit will start, he puts the cooler to a 100% and after a while goes down until it stabilizes again.
And also the temperature readings of the office this buggy (as you can see in the photos). :thumbsup:

The rest of the temperature is well below the xbox 360 slim, what do mean rushed an improved cooling device, or these dials are also buggy!

I do not know if it's from the creators of interresse freestyle and small repair these errors.
I'm just posting to help even as a general!


Encontrei alguns bugs relacionados ao novo xbox 360 E (conhecido como super slim).

Depois que foi efetuado a escrita nand glitcher, quando o aparelho vai iniciar, ele coloca o cooler a uns 100% e depois de um tempo vai baixando até estabilizar-se denovo.
E também as leituras da temperatura da gabinete esta bugada (como você pode ver nas fotos).
O restante da temperatura esta bem abaixo do xbox 360 slim, oque significa que acorreu uma melhora no resfriamento do aparelho, ou estes mostradores também estão bugados!

Não sei se é de interresse dos criadores da freestyle reparar estes pequenos erros.
Só estou postando para ajudar mesmo como um geral!




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The XBOX 360 "E" models have missing POST_OUT.


You need to remove the heatsink and fit a POST Fix adapter (or use another solution) to get access to POST_1 which is required for the glitch.


My guess is that the person who modified your console didn't apply fresh thermal paste to the XCGPU (the original paste isn't of the best quality) or he/she cleaned it without applying fresh thermal paste.

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I believe it too. JPizzle. :clap: But apart from this detail, the RGH works perfectly!BL4k3y :wacko: :wallbash: :question: Y you did not understand the post friend. That is not a problem of thermal paste, but a BUG freestyle! ;)

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I believe it too. JPizzle. :clap:But apart from this detail, the RGH works perfectly!BL4k3y :wacko::wallbash::question: Y you did not understand the post friend. That is not a problem of thermal paste, but a BUG freestyle! ;)

Do you get the same readings using Dashlaunch tempbcast & Dashlaunch Temp Monitor? if so; it's not a FSD bug... Dashlaunch broadcast the data that the SMC feeds, then Dashlaunch Temp Monitor convert the bytes to temperature values...

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Yes Swizzy, :thumbsup:

Same temperature readings.
So compatibility issue with new HARDWARE DASHLAUNCH.
Do you know where the developers page, for me to post this difference?
If they are not already noticed!

Recalling that the cooler, to switch on with RGH (without dashlaunch)
Already shoots!

Here default timerpost-8645-0-50237900-1383070217_thumb.jpg


Here bug MOBOpost-8645-0-76116000-1383070211_thumb.jpg

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Yes Swizzy, :thumbsup:

Same temperature readings.

So compatibility issue with new HARDWARE DASHLAUNCH.

Do you know where the developers page, for me to post this difference?

If they are not already noticed!

Recalling that the cooler, to switch on with RGH (without dashlaunch)

Already shoots!

Here default timerPosted Image2.jpg


Here bug MOBOPosted Image1.jpg

This means that Xbox 360 E doesn't have a sensor for the motherboard temperature OR... yours is SERIOUSLY bad...

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Yes :clover:

All 7 xbox? :question:


I unlocked 7 so far. All are well.
Xbox 360 And Made in China


You already made ​​RGH this unit?

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Yes :clover:

All 7 xbox? :question:


I unlocked 7 so far. All are well.

Xbox 360 And Made in China


You already made ​​RGH this unit?

What part of "This means that Xbox 360 E doesn't have a sensor for the motherboard temperature OR... yours is SERIOUSLY bad..." don't you understand?

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