Kef0 0 Posted January 7 When running my script, Aurora returns this error (I got it through the debug.log.last): "LUA", "message": "LUAERROR> Game:\\User\\Scripts\\Utility\\TestScript\\main.lua:14: attempt to index a nil value (global 'Script')" } this is the only part that has a "Script." : function DoShowMenu(menu) local ret = {} local canceled = false local menuItem = {} if menu == nil then ret, menu, canceled, menuItem = Menu.ShowMainMenu() else ret, menu, canceled, menuItem = Menu.ShowMenu(menu) end if not canceled then if Menu.IsMainMenu(menu) and menu.SubMenu == nil then Script.SetStatus("Teste1") end if menuItem.SubMenu ~= nil then DoShowMenu(menuItem.SubMenu) elseif not Menu.IsMainMenu(menu) then HandleSelection(ret, menu.Parent.Data, menu) else Script.ShowMessageBox("ERROR", "Test", "OK") end end end I'm new to this stuff, but I can't see what's wrong here. Any help here is useful, I'm clueless. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites