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FSD3 loading incorrect title and cover art

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I have FSD3 V735 Installed but this might apply to any version of Freestyle Dash 3

Is there a way to specify what game title cover version to download? As I noticed a few titles with the incorrect game cover. I thing this may be because some game titles share the same title ID.

For example Red Dead Redemption / Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare / Red Dead Redemption GOTY. All share the same title ID so when downloading the cover art they all show the same original Read Dead Redemption for both the title and cover art.

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Create a GoD format of the game and change the game id?

Other than that no, RDR came as a 2 Disc game.  You could scan in the GoTY cover and upload it?

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there is a tutorial on how to manually change artwork in the tutorials section

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