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mLoaD last won the day on January 5

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4 Neutral

About mLoaD

  • Rank
    RMS Freshman
  • Birthday 01/29/1981

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  • Interests
    FBANext Skin
    MAME Skin
    RetroArch Skin

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  1. I'm looking for trainers for Doom, Doom 2 and Wolfenstein 3D (XBLA). All the links I found were dead. Maybe someone still has these. Thanks in advance
  2. mLoaD

    Cheat Manager

    This is a revised version of Gavin_Darkgliders Cheat Manager. You can find the source code on my GitHub profile Download: Cheat Manager v0.5b v0.5b source code Greetings mLoaD
  3. mLoaD

    PCSXR 2.1.1 help

    The XBox360 has a character limit and special characters should also be avoided. you can also use this script https://github.com/leov30/fatx-renamer Rename Saban´s Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue (Europe, Australia) (En,Fr,De).cue Saban´s Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue (Europe, Australia) (En,Fr,De).bin to SabansPowerRangersLightspeedRescue.cue SabansPowerRangersLightspeedRescue.bin or PowerRangersLightspeedRescue.cue PowerRangersLightspeedRescue.bin
  4. Aurora does not have this feature
  5. have you registered at http://xboxunity.net/. This is important so that you can download title updates and covers. and the homebrew store, if I'm not wrong, is not backwards compatible with early Aurora versions
  6. here is what you are looking for AuroraElements (XUI Extensions).rar XuiToolXamExtensions.rar
  7. that might help. Ste1io fixed the weather script 3 months ago. Aurora Weather Script open-meteo API Key
  8. it should be this one https://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/topic/19371-skin-dark-theme-ultimate/
  9. mLoaD

    xextool GUI 2.0

    xextool GUI v2.0 xextool GUI is a graphical user interface for the xextool v6.6 from xorloser. This means you can easily use the xextool without working via the command line. I thought I had lost this program forever I accidentally found my 2.0 version on an old USB stick. Unfortunately I no longer have the source code. So if anyone is interested, they are welcome to decompile the program to get the source code. So that you can compile it again (written in VB) XEXToolGUI_v2.0.zip
  10. Thanks! I planned to create a new skin a few years ago
  11. The .xzp file goes into the media folder of the emulator Example: Hdd1:\emulator\FBANext\media
  12. NEW RELEASE - FBANext Arcade Skin In this new skin can be used for the title images - wheels. and for the preview images - Marquee or Steam Grid FBANext_Arcade_Skin.7z
  13. I created a modified default.xex from PCSxr360 so you can now use the PNG format for the covers in the emulator and no longer the JPG. PSX-V2.1.1a-PNG-FIX.zip
  14. Hello everyone I created a new skin for the MAME Emulator the skin is compatible with all MAME 0.72 versions MAME 0.72 v1.0 to v11 Have fun with it. Greetings mLoaD MAME 0.72 all versions Skin_mame.zip - Google Drive
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