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About superevitors

  • Rank
    RMS Freshman

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  1. Great stuff...This guy helped me step by step how to configure it and it worked perfectly... with all the Passes on LiNK Plugin. Thank you, Cowboy!
  2. I would like to be billionaire... someone out there can get it done for me?

  3. Man, i don't know about the trojan... but i tested the program and it worked ok. It look good too.
  4. Nice... other cool game to play on LiNK
  5. Great! I would like to play this game on LiNK too...
  6. I would like to play this game on LiNK too... please add it on the list!! Thanks
  7. I would like to play this game too... please add to LiNK asap!!!
  8. superevitors

    Top Spin 3

    I would like to get some help on this too... i belive that the game doesn't have the system link option... am i wrong?
  9. é isso aí, cara... a ideia funcionou muito bem... está ajudando a galera se reunir e jogar entrei si... por melhor q seja poder entrar em qualquer host, o melhor mesmo é jogar com outros brazucas... então estamos aí pra isso.. é só chegar no site e marcar a jogatina... _____ great, man... the idea worked very well... it is helping the guys to get together and play... as better that is play in any host, the best thing is to be able to play with others from your country... so we are here for this... you just need to come to our site a combine the gaming...
  10. é isso aí... o site está crescendo junto com a comunidade de brasileiros na Link... e tem sido de muita utilidade ao reunir a galera para jogar junta... então entrem lá para trocar ideia quando quiserem jogar... qualquer problema com a Link, ou com o seu RGH/Jtag, a gente tenta ajudar também...
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