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Brandon Lee Barker

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About Brandon Lee Barker

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    RMS Freshman

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  1. What's wrong with it? It's called MODDING for a reason, it's what MODDERS do. I make Tools myself just for this purpose, and better yet, release them FREE so more people are using them. Im guessing you're one of those kids who frequently get into lobbies with modders. Sorry kiddo.
  2. You guys know what everyone uses XeBuild for. To update their console and modify online. This website is called REALmodscene. Everyone mods online, other than people who aren't smart enough to. it's fun. I do it. I used to do recoveries and made 2k in a single 25 days. They're not called hackers smart one.
  3. Thanks everyone. All I needed to do was switch to another account everytime on my main gives me that error, no other accounts do though O.o
  4. i will check, I noticed your post about that after I did a google search of this issue, hopefully that is the issue ! Will let you know asap.
  5. I have the Reigon Free advanced warfare. Also. Great idea will check with 360 content man
  6. I have done that and none are corrupted. Have downloaded seperate packs of each just to see, and still nothing.
  7. Amazing. Soon enough all gaming consoles are going to switch to their own PC Network of Gaming
  8. Thank you for the response. I haven't heard of different Media ID's before, so I figured it out. Thank you very much!
  9. Yes I have multiple times and even Retried installing the content multiple times over and over and still nothing. Can't figure this out and have been trying for days.
  10. in order to play multiplayer you need to download new required content. Please connect to Xbox live and download the new content. > Connect to Xbox Live > Switch to main menu have all packs and dlc unlocked and installed in the correct folder. Media ID verified with TU Advanced warfare is RF Been trying this for days. No way to connect to internet, would like to play multiplayer and exo zombies offline.
  11. I downloaded from xboxunity.net. I only downloaded the first TU on the list and didn't even think about the other TU's with different Media ID's.
  12. Going under content and Download Assets? Yes. It says downloading 56 items, then processing 3. I Click on Title Updates for advanced warfare and under the title updates there's nothing.
  13. Sorry for the late reply, I only have wifi at work.. Still doesn't work. Downloaded a new tu from unity and put on my HDD, content/00000000000000/AW TITLE ID/000b0000 Even shows in nxe and xm360. no luck. Doesn't even show the dlc
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