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Everything posted by JPizzle

  1. That paypal account has been shut down because PayPal sucks balls! Please use the donation button on XboxUnity.net and thank you very much for your support.
  2. Download TU2 and make sure it is enabled.
  3. You are like a child in a grocery store throwing a tantrum because you cant have the candy you want. Cut the shit, I hope that is easy enough for you to understand.
  4. I've noticed you like to tell devs what to do and how it should be done and when stuff should be released..... but I havent seen you do ANYTHING AT ALL YOURSELF. I suggest you stop bitching about the way other people are working and start doing it yourself. You never seem to accept any devs reasons for why they are doing things the way they are, you just constantly bitch and moan in public and in private and TBH i'm getting sick of it. You constantly argue about things you clearly have no understanding of and think you know more then everyone else so please, put us all to shame with your knowledge and blow us all away with your skills. Please change you attitude or you will no longer be welcome here.
  5. You have FSD set as your default dashboard in your launch.ini and that is why you are booting into FSD automatically. Hold RB on boot and ti will go into stock dashboard.
  6. At the very top of this page click CHAT in the navbar to jump into our chatroom, lets try and figure out what the issue is.
  7. Try removing the GTA V Plugin from dashlaunch and also setting a static IP for your xbox in your routers settings. If still not working, join a room in the HUD and wait 1 minute before searching for a systemlink game in Call of Duty.
  8. You must have 735 installed in a different folder and that folder is set as your default in dashlaunch
  9. SO MUCH BAD INFO IN THIS THREAD Ok, first thing first the issue is NOT your TU as you have TU 18 active and you will only see other players in the HUD that are on the same TU version as you. Not having DLC will NOT stop you from seeing peoples games, you will see the games, be able to join the game lobby but not actually play. Please post your dashlaunch launch.ini file and also please tell me when you run the LiNK test what are your results? Most likely this is an issue with your ports. Oh and do you also have your avatar data installed ?
  10. Donated, I hope you stocked up on Mountain Dew!
  11. Or just use the built in TU manager.... That's what it's for.
  12. it says UPNP enabled router not found, you dont need UPNP if you are manually forwarding ports. If ports and jqe360.com passes the test then you are good to go ! Enjoy LiNK!
  13. According to that screen shot f the LiNK test you should have a fully operational LiNK setup.
  14. make sure livestrong=false in dashlaunch
  15. Most likely will never be implemented, sorry. You can already sort and filter game types using the filters. As for not being able to load the plugin try downgrading to the latest OFFICIALLY supported dashboard 16747.
  16. Just download the latest release of Aurora and copy files over to your Xbox, set as default in dashlaunch and done.
  17. PM me the username and email address
  18. most likely will not happen, this dashboard is silent by design. This would put unnecessary strain on our server as everyone will use it, download TU's for the games you play before you load them.
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