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Everything posted by Newbie3xploiter

  1. Look you can but you have upnp right? Also it will vary in quality u need fast internet and a good router at upnp preferably gaming router I have a tp link works most time but I've forwarded ports too most of the time my internet is under 1mbps but I bet ur gonna be better btw GT plz lets play sometime lol I'm TheB0sSOb4iD4 I'm really active my unity is ObaidaLink see ya
  2. Hey do ya happen to know of an Xbox forum that's a bit well.....not gasping for air
  3. I want a bud to play zombiez with I'm active they should be 2 it's even better if they have a mic DM if you wanna join in I wanna make an Easter egg team to do Easter eggs u don't have to be good at the game just want someone to have fun with
  4. Yo dude I played cod with you the other day!! Only guy who doesn't have a squeaky mic my GT is TheB0sSOb4iD4 Up for playing zombies?? Also check the TU and see if it's for the same Media ID the best thing to do is just download the game packed with its dlcs also hit me a DM if u wanna play I'm quite lonely🌚
  5. Dude there's a load of normal games that support LiNK yet no one plays anything but CODBO2 sorry bud it's just like it is it used to be more active but this community its forum are....dying
  6. Well it reads if it's supported by aurora right? Also OMG Felida I thought the forum died
  7. i mean like two trainers for one game so when i wanna launch i can choose between the two when i try to put my trainer with the TID it just asks to overwrite should i put trainer contents in the TID folder with the other trainer
  8. Yeah so I saw someone Spanish on YT using aurora dash and nova for Link but they have a chat and when they're signed out it says "connect to unity" it's old but was this an old project that Devs scrapped I don't want an Xbox live equivalent just chat for those who don't have a mic I think he has a custom HUD too because the HUD color is different the block,report and add friend is different what is this? I want it! 😈
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