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Joshua Ward

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About Joshua Ward

  • Rank
    RMS Freshman
  1. This is freakin awesome guys. Excellent work!!!
  2. Sorry if this is the wrong section. Okay here we go........I have a slim dual nand and today I go to boot it up and it goes straight to fatal crash intercepted over and over etc. I take the HDD out and it does the same thing. But when I switch it over to Xbox Live it works fine.Any ideas what's going on here? https://www.dropbox....03 15.24.50.mp4 https://www.dropbox....03 15.19.26.mp4
  3. Any ideas why I keep getting this? -------------------------------------- xeBuild v1.07.632------------------------------------------------------------------- { Update Mode } ----data directory set from command line to '16537'started, watching network for xbox...UDP wait timeout!failed to find xbox beacon***** FATAL UPDATE ERROR: unable to find console!--------------------------------------------------------------- xeBuild Finished. Have a nice day.---------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Any ideas why I keep getting this? --------------------------------------------------------------- xeBuild v1.07.632------------------------------------------------------------------- { Update Mode } ----data directory set from command line to '16537'started, watching network for xbox...UDP wait timeout!failed to find xbox beacon***** FATAL UPDATE ERROR: unable to find console!--------------------------------------------------------------- xeBuild Finished. Have a nice day.---------------------------------------------------------------
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