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Everything posted by strikerz

  1. strikerz

    H.A.W.X 2

    it can be played online on system link and no body play it, i hope people download such a great game !!
  2. you want to delete them permenantly?= just delete the games folder in the file manageryou want to keep them but dont find them in the games list? = delete the path u already have and create another folder and another path
  3. maybe the games are deleted and if you say not then wts then prove
  4. no you arent the only african
  5. and if you want the console to boot automatic to freestyle then go to dashlaunch>paths>default and the choose the directory of default.xex
  6. how do i have to do a setting to block live connection? in dashlaunch?
  7. guys how to block live? is there anything to write in launch.ini ?please help me
  8. i need to install xex menu but i cant find quickplay button so it shows up when i put the driver??? or it doesnt show up?
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhkuVJq0a10&feature=player_embedded my freestyle is the same as that
  10. give me a link to download and a tutorial to install
  11. how can you send a tutorial? i never setup it i went to someone who Jtagged the console, and i dont wanna mess up, i just wanna know how to update it
  12. okok wait wait wait, first when i try to sign in it says that no xlink engine! so how? and if it need an update how? :) if you helped i would appreciate.
  13. and sure there is no temperature
  14. http://www.google.com.eg/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FJFLNURI5um4%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg%3Ffeature%3Dog&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJFLNURI5um4&docid=sWv4seI7-ZpTeM&tbnid=f6xePZHQtsUHhM&w=1280&h=720&ei=XpALUtHHKsjmOoS6gdgB&ved=0CAMQxiAwAQ&iact=c see this its just like this screen (with no settings at the end, at the end there is the word emulators) and i got to go up to go to settings, then i go and i can't find networks, and my version is FSD3 but i dunno more about the version, you can tell me how to know and how to update it without net or with.
  15. i cant find network settings to set IP and play online , help me please , when i see tutorial videos on freestyle i find that there settings menu is 100% different than mine
  16. ok ok when i sign up to play online it says that xlink engine not on the console, i saw video tuts i found that i dont have my network option in the settings! and how can i know what FSD i am on? help me please
  17. thanks, but too bad they dont have battlefield 3 , its cool another thing i wanted and need to ask about that i wanted to play call of duty online, therefore i wanted to setup my network, therefor i needed to setup Xlink , when i saw tut i found out i dont have network setting in settings menu!! so help!
  18. i saw videos of people play call of duty on freestyle, but is battlefield available?
  19. OK First i go to settings i don't find the network option or when i go i find a list of 4 though i saw some videos and there is a big list, and i need network so i can setup Xlink please help!!, thx
  20. if there a way to wireless connection then please tell
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