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Tool To Apply PS3usercheat Hacks On Eboots By KDSBest

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German ps3 developer KDSBest has released a ‘tool’ to apply PS3usercheat hacks to eboots.

// Patch PS3UserCheat Cheat to an ELF File
// 1. Decrypt EBOOT.BIN to EBOOT.ELF
// 2. Provide PATCH.TXT with the following Format (From PS3 Cheats Editor)
// Example PATCH.TXT
//00002000 0002A878 33FE034C
// Another Example of PATCH.TXT
//00002000 010AF534 00000000
//00002000 010AF538 00000000
//00002000 010AF53C 00000000
//00002000 010AF540 00000000
// 3. Run this Code
// 4. Rencrypt EBOOT.KDSBest.ELF to EBOOT.BIN
// 5. Replace EBOOT.BIN of your game with the new one

// Sorry I couldn't provide a One Click Tool I lack in time
// the 0000c001 patches are button mapping for cheat pkgs, since we fixed patch it this isn't supported.
// Example Tales of Grace F Move Fast Speed (Press []) is the following PATCH.TXT
//00002000 007DF6FC 3F800000
//0000C001 00000000 00000080
//00002000 007DF6FC 3FE00000
// If you don't want to patch the speed the PATCH.TXT you provide
//00002000 007DF6FC 3F800000
// If you want constant faster speed you provide
//00002000 007DF6FC 3FE00000
// It reads the following way
// 00002000 = Patch Memory (Eboot)
// 0000C001 = Button Event
// Look how easy
// If nothing is pressed
// {
//00002000 007DF6FC 3F800000 => Patch Memory At 007DF6FC to 3F800000
// }
//0000C001 00000000 00000080 => else If(Button Event(00000080)) => 00000080 = []
// {
//00002000 007DF6FC 3FE00000 => Patch Memory At 007DF6FC to 3FE00000
// }

// Why I write this tool
// I provided the patches by hand
// 1. Load ELF in IDA
// 2. Check bytes at Address
// 3. Search Bytes from IDA (Which can parse the elf header and knows the exact locations) in Hex Editor
// 4. Patch Bytes by hand
// 5. ....

// Why is this tool written like bullshit
// I don't have the mood to write it clean

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

namespace Patch_ELF_PS3UserCheat
class Program
public struct ELFLocation
public uint Offset;
public uint OffsetFile;
public uint Size;

public struct Patch
public uint Offset;
public uint PatchValue;

public static uint byteToUInt(byte[]
return byteToUInt(b, 0);

public static uint byteToUInt(byte[] b, int offset)
uint a = (uint)b[offset] << 24;
a |= (uint)b[offset + 1] << 16;
a |= (uint)b[offset + 2] << 8;
a |= (uint)b[offset + 3] << 0;
return a;

public static byte[] uintToByte(uint i)
byte[] b = new byte[4];
b[0] = (byte)((i >> 24) & 0xFF);
b[1] = (byte)((i >> 16) & 0xFF);
b[2] = (byte)((i >> 8) & 0xFF);
b[3] = (byte)((i) & 0xFF);
return b;

public static int LoadElfPHDR(BinaryReader br, List Elf, uint phdr_offset, uint phdr_size, uint i)
byte[] phdr = new byte[phdr_size];

br.BaseStream.Seek(phdr_offset + phdr_size * i, SeekOrigin.Begin);
br.Read(phdr, 0, phdr.Length);
ELFLocation elfLocation = new ELFLocation();
elfLocation.OffsetFile = byteToUInt(phdr, 0x0C);
elfLocation.Offset = byteToUInt(phdr, 0x14);
elfLocation.Size = byteToUInt(phdr, 0x24);
return 0;

public static ushort byteToUShort(byte[] b, int offset)
ushort a = (ushort)(b[offset] << 8);
a |= (ushort)b[offset + 1];
return a;

public static List LoadElf(string FileName)
List Elf = new List();
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(FileName));

byte[] elfMagic = new byte[4];
br.Read(elfMagic, 0, 4);
if (elfMagic[0] != 0x7F ||
elfMagic[1] != 0x45 ||
elfMagic[2] != 0x4C ||
elfMagic[3] != 0x46)
Console.WriteLine("Elf Magic Wrong (" + FileName + ")");
return Elf;
br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] eHDR = new byte[0x40];
br.Read(eHDR, 0, eHDR.Length);
uint phdr_offset = byteToUInt(eHDR, 0x24);
ushort n_phdrs = byteToUShort(eHDR, 0x38);
ushort phdr_size = byteToUShort(eHDR, 0x36);
for (ushort i = 0; i < n_phdrs; i++)
int error = LoadElfPHDR(br, Elf, phdr_offset, phdr_size, i);
if (error == 1)
Console.WriteLine("Didn't Load phdr " + i + " of File " + FileName);

return Elf;

public static List LoadPatchFile(string FileName)
List patches = new List();
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(FileName));

string input;
while(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input = sr.ReadLine()))
string[] vals = input.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
if (vals.Length != 3 || vals[0] != "00002000")
Console.WriteLine("This is not an ELF Patch!");
return patches;
Patch p = new Patch();

p.Offset = uint.Parse(vals[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
p.PatchValue = uint.Parse(vals[2], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("Patch file wrong!");
return patches;
return patches;

static void Main(string[] args)
if (!File.Exists("EBOOT.ELF"))
Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find EBOOT.ELF");
if (!File.Exists("PATCH.TXT"))
Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find PATCH.TXT");
if (File.Exists("EBOOT.KDSBest.ELF"))
List locations = LoadElf("EBOOT.ELF");
List patches = LoadPatchFile("PATCH.TXT");
for(int i = 0; i < patches.Count; i++)
ELFLocation? locationForPatch = null;
Patch p = patches[i];
for (int ii = 0; ii < locations.Count; ii++)
if (p.Offset >= locations[ii].Offset && p.Offset < locations[ii].Offset + locations[ii].Size)
locationForPatch = locations[ii];

if (locationForPatch == null)
Console.WriteLine("Patch is not for this ELF!");
p.Offset = p.Offset - locationForPatch.Value.Offset + locationForPatch.Value.OffsetFile;
patches[i] = p;

Console.WriteLine("Patching ELF...");
File.Copy("EBOOT.ELF", "EBOOT.KDSBest.ELF");
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite("EBOOT.KDSBest.ELF"));
foreach (Patch p in patches)
bw.Seek((int) p.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);


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