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Marko Toper

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About Marko Toper

  • Rank
    RMS Freshman
  1. I translated some of En.XML file and used Translation Tool to create the language pack. It created two folders Skins and Media and inside Locale another map sl-Sl. The newly created language file is named AuroraLang[sl-Sl].xus. I copied both folders to Aurora, but it doesn't show the new language. Normally the language file should be *.xzp, mine isn't. Was there an error during conversion?
  2. Hi, I have a slight problem with Aurora that it shows duplicated games. The issue is if I have installed games and converted with NXE2GOD along with games upload with ISO2GOD. If I select Scan depth 2 on HDD1/000000000000 it doesn't show all games, but I select depth 3 it shows all games, but duplicates many games. Where is the catch? Is it possible to create a shortcut in Aurora that would show under Games and would jump directly into NXE? If not, is it perpaps possible to jump to NXE with Exit Dashboard without needing to hold RB button?
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